2022-23 has been an outstanding academic year for Globstudy team. Let us take a glance at what we have accomplished during this academic year.
In this year, our students have been awarded scholarships at world’s renowned institutions. 34 students got fully-funded scholarships from universities, such as Duke Kunshan University, Minerva University, University of Turin, and from governmental grants like DAAD, Erasmus, Stipendium Hungaricum. Remarkably, more than half of our students admitted to US institutions secured their study visas. Even more impressively, every single student admitted to institutions outside the US successfully obtained their study visa.
Furthermore, as part of our mission to inform and empower youth, we have conducted over 80 events at different high schools, universities and other educational institutions across Uzbekistan. We also sponsored a number of conferences, including Nationwide Debate Championshp (first ever in Uzbekistan), TedX Mirzo Ulugbek (first TedX event in Samarkand). During our events, we gave generous prizes as well as discounts for our services, worth up to $1,100.
In the academic year of 2023-24, we will not stop informing and inspiring you to accomplish your study abroad goals. We will keep helping our youths build a roadmap towards accomplishing their goals, eventually becoming leaders and experts of their field.
Thank you to our dedicated team and hardworking students. Let's aim even higher next academic year!
See below images for more detailed report of what 2022-23 academic year meant for Globstudy
Globstudy in Numbers

Notable Globstudy Alumni in 2022-2023 academic year

Top Admission Destinations

Demographics of Globstudy students

Top 5 majors chosen by our students